We have completed our final relocation from Crested Butte Colorado to Paonia Colorado. As of January 16, 2025 we are now scheduling patients to be seen in our new Paonia office. Thank you all for your patience during the process.
Our office phone/text number, fax number, office email and website have continued to operate and remain the same.
Office phone/text: 970-349-2095
Office email: drilenemspector@gmail.com
Office fax: 877-599-6551
Website: www.osteopathywesterncolorado.com
Patient Appointment Instructions
Current patients:
If you have been seen in our office in the past 3 years, you are considered a current patient and you are our first priority for scheduling appointments. Most of you have already been contacted and current patients can contact our office as needed.
Previous patients last seen over 3 years ago:
It is a common practice in medicine to consider anyone last seen more than 3 years ago as a new patient. There are increased needs for information and history updates, as well as a longer first appointment time to provide the extra care required.
We have generally not been scheduling any new patients for over 3 years now due to lack of available time in our schedule. However we do make rare exceptions, and previous patients are considered a priority if we can fit you into our busy schedule.
Please contact our office about your individual situation if you are interested in being seen. Staff will get brief information about you and discuss with Dr. Spector to determine if and when we might be able to schedule you. Please know we do have a long wait list to accommodate our schedule.
Potential new patients: anyone never seen by Dr. Spector before who is interested in becoming a new patient:
We have generally not been scheduling any new patients for over 3 years now due to lack of available time in our schedule. However, rare exceptions are made. Staff will get brief information from you and discuss with Dr. Spector to determine if and when we might be able to schedule you. If you are referred from someone let our staff know that. Please know we do have a long wait list to accommodate our schedule.
This website has some new specific information for all patients seen in Paonia. Everyone scheduled will receive a summary of that information, so please familiarize yourselves with our new policies.
Thanks for your understanding and we look forward to seeing you in Paonia,
Dr. Spector and Jenny Southworth
Dr. Ilene M. Spector is an osteopathic physician with a private practice specializing in Osteopathic Manual Medicine, with an emphasis on Osteopathic Cranial Manipulative Medicine (OCMM), also known as Cranial Osteopathy. Rooted in traditional osteopathic principles and practice, she treats people of all ages, from newborns to people in their older years, and for a variety of medical complaints.
She has been practicing osteopathic medicine since 1989 and natural health care since 1974.
From 1991 to the present, Dr. Spector has been very active in the Osteopathic Cranial Academy (OCA), a national organization of Osteopathic Physicians practicing Osteopathy in the Cranial Field, dedicated to teaching, advocating and advancing Osteopathy, including Osteopathy in the Cranial Field. She has served in both voluntary administrative roles and as active senior faculty, teaching physicians, medical students and dentists. She was awarded the OCA Proficiency Recognition in 2000 and received the OCA award for Exceptional Service in 2012. In 2014, Dr. Spector was named Fellow of the Osteopathic Cranial Academy (FCA), an honor awarded “in recognition of outstanding ability, knowledge, experience, skill and achievements in Osteopathy in the Cranial Field.” In 2023 she was chosen to present the OCA Sutherland Memorial Lecture during the OCA Annual Conference, an honor bestowed to a leader in the field to deliver a seminal talk reflecting on learnings in the field of Cranial Osteopathy.
What is a DO? A DO (Osteopathic Physician or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine) is a fully trained physician, licensed to practice the entire range and scope of medicine and surgery. In the United States, both DO’s and their counterparts, MD’s, are the only unlimited-licensed physicians and surgeons, receiving the same training in medicine. In addition to their medical training, DO’s receive training in the unique traditional foundation of the osteopathic profession, Osteopathic Manual Medicine. This includes training in osteopathic principles and practice. While you will find DO’s in every medical specialty (e.g., surgeons, cardiologists, neurologists, family physicians, etc.), those specialist physicians rarely utilize osteopathic manual medicine, and there are some DO’s like Dr. Spector who specialize in Osteopathic Manual Medicine.
Osteopathic Manual Medicine (OMM): OMM is a wonderfully gentle yet very effective hands-on medical treatment for a wide variety of medical conditions, including, but not limited to, various pain syndromes and recovery from injuries and traumas. It is often an answer to problems that have not responded to conventional medical, surgical or other therapeutic treatments. Osteopathic treatment recognizes the dynamic relationship of structure and function in health and disease. It is gentle and non-traumatic and addresses the body as an individualized whole. In the United States, it is only practiced by osteopathic physicians (DO’s). qualified MD's, and qualified dentists within the scope of their dental practice. Osteopathic medical training, perspective and practice differ greatly from all other professions which use their hands to treat patients, such as physical therapy, massage therapy, chiropractic, etc.
The goal of treatment is to restore healthy function, as much as possible, in any area of the body where there may be a need. Your body has an amazing ability to change and function more easily. There are vital mechanisms of inherent motion inside all of us that are capable of being accessed and utilized during osteopathic treatment by a skilled DO to help restore health. DO’s develop a very fine sense of touch, and, combined with their osteopathic medical knowledge of all the detailed structures and workings in the body and their interrelationships, are able to understand and treat many medical complaints in a unique way by restoring the body’s natural abilities to strive toward health and homeostasis.
Profound changes in physiology (the way the body functions or works inside) commonly occur from OMM because of the very specific nature and focus of osteopathic medical training and care. Yet patients experience these treatments as very comfortable and relaxing. They are often pleasantly surprised at how much better they feel with such gentle treatment. OMM is safe, appropriate and effective for all ages, from newborns into the older years.
W. G. Sutherland, DO, founder of Osteopathy in the Cranial Field, describes Dr. Spector’s fundamental osteopathic approach well, saying: "Allow physiologic function within to manifest its own unerring potency rather than apply a blind force from without."